Use Wondergel during the build-up and contour processes to hold crowns, veneers and small castings in place. Wondergel makes it easy to handle small, difficult parts.
Temporarily bonds the restoration to the working die, while being easily removed after completion of the build-up or contouring. Wondergel is water-soluble and doesn’t leave any contaminates on the restoration. It is recommended for pressed porcelain veneers, pfm crowns, alumina restorations, and zirconia restorations.
Wondergel Advantages
- Easy to use
- Like having an extra helping hand
- Easier to handle small & loose fitting restorations
- Eliminates risk of contamination
- Water-soluble
Additional Useful Information About Wondergel
Easy to use

1. Place a small amount of Wondergel inside the restoration.

2. Place restoration on die. (If excess gel is squeezed out at the marginal area, hold restoration with the finger and use air pressure to blow excess down and away from the margin.)

3. Restoration is ready to build-up or contour. (It is not recommended to remove gel prior to firing.)

4. Easily remove restoration from die.
Can Wondergel be used with e.max© and Lava™ Zirconia crowns?
Is Wondergel safe to use on e.max veneers when doing a wax adjustment that the wax is milled?
It won’t hurt the wax, you should wash it off before investing. It would probably interfere either with the surfactant and/or leave a rough surface because it was on the surface during investing.
Can Can Wondergel be used for composite veneers as well?
Wondergel cannot go into the mouth. There are direct and indirect resin restorations, so if it’s indirect Wondergel can be used.
Can Wondergel be used in a light curing furnace?
Yes, it may become “gummy/sticky,” but because it is water soluble it will still wash right off.
Can you use Wondergel on porcelain laminate veneers?
Yes, and one of the main points to remember, is that Wondergel cannot come into contact with wet porcelain when firing. Be sure to blow off the excess Wondergel around your margins to prevent any yellowing of your margins.