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EZ Partial Tray
Client Testimonials

“Over the years I have poured numerous models while continually striving to make this task as efficient and easy as possible. I discovered that in one quick, simple step, I could fill the tongue area and voids in seconds by using the product Wonderfill. When you add up Wonderfill’s time saving results, convenience, and ease of use, it equals satisfaction. I refer to this product as simple superiority. Try it & you will too!”
Ellen Gambardella
CDA, M.Ed.

“Boxing and beading final impressions is a necessity for high-end cases. Using Wonderfill will save you 60% of the time and still give you 100% of the accuracy.”
James Angelone
(The Denture Man)

“What I found was that the real game changer for Wonderfill comes from a complimentary product; the Wonderformer, which when used with Wonderfill becomes an accurate, cost effective, time saving “system” for fabricating boxed impressions. The form is a latching metal box or former which, when used like a cookie cutter along with Wonderfill, boxes an impression which is ready to pour in 5 minutes.”