Wondertech Disposable Articulator - Dental Creations, Ltd.

Wondertech Articulators

dental creations - wondertech articulators Functions Like a Metal Articulator!


Large – Box of 50 (Unassembled – Screws sold separately) | Item #426


Small – Box of 50 (Unassembled – Screws sold separately) | Item #425


Screws – Box of 50 & 1 Screw Tap | Item #427

Item # N/A Category:


Wondertech Articulators function like metal articulators, but are disposable, affordable, light weight and easily adjusted. Also, they are made of durable “ABS” plastic. Works hand in hand with the Wondertech Silicone Base Former.

Wondertech Articulators Advantages

  • Affordable and disposable
  • Light weight and easily adjustable
  • Made of durable ABS plastic
  • Provide stable mounting

Additional Useful Information About Wondertech Articulators


Instructions For Use

articulator step 1

Wondertech Articulator Parts: upper ball receiver, ball joint and lower assembly, articulator base.

articulator step 1

Step 1. Apply small amount of adhesive to model base.

articulator step 1b

Step 1B. Center ball receiver on upper model and hold in place until glue drys.

articulator step 2

Step 2. Snap ball joint into ball receiver. This will connect the upper model, ball receiver and articulator base as one unit.

articulator step 2b

Step 2B. Ball joint and assembly joined and upper model assembled.

articulator step 3

Step 3. Slide lower arm assembly into articulator base.

articulator step 4

Step 4. Place bite or triple tray onto model and set bite.

articulator step 5 and 6

Step 5. Place lower assembly into place. The articulator will move around through the ball joint to aid in articulation. Set lower assembly into lower model and glue lower assembly onto lower model. Apply glue around entire lower assembly.

articulator step 5 and 6

Step 6. Glue upper ball joint together. Use an accelerator to help set the glue.

articulator step 7

Step 7. Glue lower assembly onto articulator base.

Technical Articles

A More Efficient, Disposable Articulator

– by Vic Sober

Read the Full Article »

Small Wonder: An Articulator That’s Compact, Stable, Easy to Use and a Fraction of the Cost of It's Predecessors

– by Leah K. Cohen, BencoDental - The Daily Floss

Read the Full Article »

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Wondertech Large Articulators, Wondertech Small Articulators, Wondertech Screws & Screw Tap

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